Are you dreaming of making that vision a reality but something is holding you back?

Deep down you know you are here to make a difference.

To make an impact..

You’re special and your VISION is special and you’re just about ready to admit this to the rest of the world, WITHOUT feeling like ‘who the hell am I to want to do this?

But something is still holding you back.

Your vision excites you when you allow yourself go there.

When you tap into that gentle inner voice.

There’s only one problem.

Your vision excites you and it frustrates you.

A vision without action is just a dream.

And you are hiding.

You busy yourself with other things. You tell yourself it’s not the right time. That you are not the type of person to do it. That you will do it sometime. That it’s too unrealistic anyway.

Or perhaps you have already started but you are in stuck in comparison watching others do the thing and make it look so easy.


The thing that you know you need to master is your visibility and your inner game.

And that’s why we should talk.


Who am I?

My name is Kate O’Dwyer and I’m a body-based coach who works with values driven people who want to push against the status quo with their work, their words and their wisdom,

I have worked as a TV Casting Producer in Ireland for over 12 years; working on the biggest shows in the country like GoggleBox Ireland, The Tommy Tiernan TV Show and many more.

Deep down I’ve always known I’m a leader but my inner critic was so loud I was afraid of this.

I was afraid of my vision. And I was petrified of being visible.

I used to dismiss my inner knowing by telling myself that living your vision was some naff American talk. And that being visible wasn’t that important.

When I discovered coaching I knew I was home.

I had found my thing.

It was time to step up.

I’m building and living my vision as a torchbearer for womxn who understand that they’ve got a vision and it’s meant to be lived and shared.

I know what it feels like to wait, to wonder, to project, to hide, to doubt yourself when you know you’re meant for more. It’s ok to want more!

I do what I do because I believe the world needs more purpose driven conscious womxn taking up space and owning their vision.

And I want to support you in doing this.

The thing that breaks my heart the most about this work is when I think of all the visions that remain as dreams because amazing incredible women are stopped by fear and self doubt.

Fear of not knowing enough.

Fear of who does she think she is?

Fear of being visible.

I’m here to tell you your vision is yours for a reason.

And that being visible will accelerate your desired results.

I can show you how to take up space and take action in a way that feels authentic and joyful for you.

I can take you from fear to flow, confusion to clarity and self doubt to self belief.

Stuff I’ve done:

International Coaching Federation Accredited Coach

First Class Honours in HDip Workplace Wellbeing TCD

15 years researching, producing and casting in Media Industry (hello visibility, content, freelancing)

Diploma in Neuro Lingustic Programming

I have also done many additional hours of CPD training in Mindfullness and Coaching

I believe in:

Wearing dresses every day

We all have a VISION some are big, some are small – they all matter.

Nervous system work trumps strategy every day.

You can do visibility your way.

Heart-centred business and leadership is the only way forward.

Direct Provision in Ireland needs to be abolished today.

Disco music and deep conversations.

FUCKIT is my mantra!

The energy with which you do thing is as important as the thing.

Money is not a dirty word. Good people do good things with money.

Your story matters.

Get in touch for a connection call.